2011-2012 Graduate Studies Bulletin [Archived Catalog]
School of Journalism and Mass Communications|
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Charles Bierbauer, Dean, College of Mass Communications and Information Studies |
Carol J. Pardun, Director, School of Journalism and Mass Communications |
Erik L. Collins, Associate Director for Graduate Studies, School of Journalism and Mass Comunications |
The School of Journalism and Mass Communications offers the Master of Mass Communication, Master of Arts, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. It also offers the Certificate of Graduate Study in Health Communication in cooperation with the School of Library and Information Science and the Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior of the Arnold School of Public Health. There are no separate departments, as such, within the school, although course work is offered in electronic and print journalism, advertising, public relations, integrated communications, visual communications, and a wide range of other subjects dealing with the processes and effects of mass communications.
The general regulations of The Graduate School regarding admission, residency, theses and dissertations, admission to candidacy, and comprehensive examinations apply to all graduate work in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications. Beyond that, the school may request additional writing samples or other evidence of creative work.
Graduate study at the certificate, M.M.C, M.A., and Ph.D. levels in the school is designed to meet the needs of three categories of students:
- graduates of approved colleges and universities who have little or no undergraduate work in journalism and mass communications but desire to complete a program of intensive academic and professional preparation for work in the mass communications field;
- graduates in journalism and mass communications from accredited programs of journalism and mass communciations and graduates of approved colleges or universities who have received a bachelor’s degree in any field and who have one or more years of professional experience in journalism and mass communications;
- graduates of approved master’s degree programs who preferably have two or more years of professional experience in journalism and mass communciations and who wish to obtain a doctoral degree.
Proficiency examinations may be required of applicants. Any deficiencies in an applicant’s academic or professional background for the study of journalism and mass communications may require remedial course work that may not count toward the graduate degree.
Applicants for a graduate degree in journalism and mass communications who do not have professional experience or educational background for the field may be required to complete up to 15 semester hours of undergraduate work in journalism and mass communications. Camp Carolina, an intensive summer experience, can be used to satisfy many of these requirements. Each applicant’s case will be evaluated individually to determine the amount, if any, of remedial work required. These remedial courses are usually designated as prerequisites for more advanced courses, numbered 500 or above, which will become part of the student’s plan of graduate study. Graduate students may, with approval of the associate director for graduate studies, enroll for some of these undergraduate courses at the same time they are enrolled in graduate courses. For example, a student enrolled in a 700-level seminar in media law may also be enrolled in an undergraduate skills course in basic news reporting; the student would earn graduate credit for the 700-level seminar but not for the 300-level news reporting class.
Applicants who cannot demonstrate a basic knowledge of statistics (e.g. successful completion of undergraduate basic statistics course) must complete a course from an approved list before registering for JOUR 701 or JOUR 801. Such a course should be completed early in the student’s program and may count toward the graduate degree only if it is 500-level or above.
An applicant for admission to the M.M.C. or M.A. degree programs, or the Certificate of Graduate Study in Health Communication, will be evaluated on a combination of factors: undergraduate grades; performance on the GRE; previous professional experience, especially if that experience is in mass media-related positions; recommendations and the written statement of objectives, in which the applicant outlines reasons for seeking a graduate degree in mass communications.
Successful applicants usually present an undergraduate grade average of at least 3.00 and a combined GRE score (verbal and quantitative) of 1000 and a 4.5 or higher on the analytical portion. The typical graduate student in the program exceeds these standards. However, applicants who are unusually promising in other ways—e.g., they have compiled solid professional experience or have overcome formidable obstacles along the way—have been accepted and have done well. International students, in addition to the above, must present a score of at least 600 (250 computer-based score) or 95, depending on the exam taken, on the TOEFL exam. Potential applicants who have questions about their qualifications for admission are encouraged to contact the school’s manager of graduate student services.
Applicants to the Certificate of Graduate Study in Health Communication must have, at a minimum, a bachelor’s degree and meet the general requirements of The Graduate School. Applicants may request that significant professional experience be substituted for standardized test scores.
Admission to the doctoral program is voted on individually by the school’s graduate council after consideration of a number of factors. These include the applicant’s academic record (especially work done at the master’s level), performance on the GRE, professional experience, recommendations, and the applicant’s personal statement outlining reasons for applying for doctoral study and career hopes and expectations. Preference is given to applicants with at least two years of experience as journalism and mass communications professionals. A GRE combined score (verbal and quantitative) of 1200 and a 5.0 or higher on the analytical portion is expected, though exceptions occasionally have been made for applicants with unusually strong professional backgrounds or other evidence of outstanding professional and intellectual promise. International applicants are expected to present a TOEFL score of at least 600 (250 computer-based score) or 75, depending on the exam taken.
Doctoral students normally must have completed, or be in the final stages of, a master’s degree. In exceptional circumstances, a student with a baccalaureate degree may be admitted directly into the doctoral program, with the understanding that the student will first complete the usual requirements for the master’s degree while studying for the doctorate. In such cases, the usual doctoral requirements of 36 hours of course work beyond the master’s plus a dissertation will apply. A prior master’s degree need not be in journalism/mass communications, although a student whose master’s degree is in another field may need additional course work.
More information is available on the school’s graduate Web site at www.jour.sc.edu/academics/grad/index.html, which each student should consult as an unofficial supplement to the University’s Graduate Studies Bulletin.
School of Journalism and Mass Communications|
- • JOUR 501 - Freedom, Responsibility, and Ethics of the Mass Media|
- • JOUR 502 - Advanced Radio Programming|
- • JOUR 503 - Advanced Television Programming|
- • JOUR 504 - Crisis Communication|
- • JOUR 505 - Language and Communications Media|
- • JOUR 506 - Mass Media Criticism|
- • JOUR 517 - Newspaper Photojournalism|
- • JOUR 523 - Television Directing|
- • JOUR 526 - Advanced TV Production and Direction|
- • JOUR 527 - Computer-Assisted Reporting|
- • JOUR 528 - Editorial and Opinion Writing|
- • JOUR 529 - Informational Graphics for the Mass Media|
- • JOUR 531 - Public Relations Campaigns|
- • JOUR 532 - Reporting Public Affairs|
- • JOUR 533 - Newspaper Feature Articles|
- • JOUR 534 - Broadcast Journalism Practicum|
- • JOUR 535 - Publication Advising|
- • JOUR 536 - Advanced Reporting|
- • JOUR 537 - Advanced Photovisual Communications|
- • JOUR 538 - Broadcast Announcing|
- • JOUR 539 - Photo-Visual Communications|
- • JOUR 540 - Magazine Article Writing|
- • JOUR 541 - International Mass Communications|
- • JOUR 542 - Public Opinion and Persuasion|
- • JOUR 543 - Telecommunications and Society|
- • JOUR 544 - High School Journalism|
- • JOUR 545 - Advertising Campaigns|
- • JOUR 546 - Advanced Copyediting|
- • JOUR 547 - Directed Independent Studies|
- • JOUR 548 - Internship in Mass Communications|
- • JOUR 549 - Introduction to Magazine Editing|
- • JOUR 550 - Advanced Magazine Article Writing|
- • JOUR 551 - Newspaper Management|
- • JOUR 552 - Cable/Satellite Communication|
- • JOUR 554 - Telecommunications Law and Regulation|
- • JOUR 555 - Publication Design|
- • JOUR 556 - Broadcast Station Management|
- • JOUR 558 - Advanced Creative Strategy in Advertising|
- • JOUR 559 - Advanced Magazine Editing|
- • JOUR 560 - Advertising Management|
- • JOUR 561 - Retail Advertising Management|
- • JOUR 562 - Communicating Science, Health and the Environment|
- • JOUR 563 - Topics|
- • JOUR 563P - Public/Civic Journalism|
- • JOUR 564 - Advanced Visual Communications|
- • JOUR 565 - Advanced Media Analysis|
- • JOUR 566 - Public Relations Management|
- • JOUR 567 - Advertising Practicum|
- • JOUR 568 - Public Relations Practicum|
- • JOUR 570 - Newspaper in the Classroom|
- • JOUR 571 - Faith, Values, and the Mass Media|
- • JOUR 700 - Proseminar|
- • JOUR 701 - Research Methods in Mass Communication|
- • JOUR 702 - Communication Theory|
- • JOUR 704 - Editorial Interpretation, Policy, and Management|
- • JOUR 705 - Integrated Communications Principles|
- • JOUR 706 - Media Law|
- • JOUR 707 - Contemporary Issues in Mass Communication|
- • JOUR 710 - Organizational Communication|
- • JOUR 711 - Applied Mass Communication Research|
- • JOUR 715 - Integrated Communications Strategies|
- • JOUR 720 - History of Mass Media|
- • JOUR 725 - Integrated Communication Campaigns|
- • JOUR 730 - Literary Aspects of Journalism and Mass Communication|
- • JOUR 740 - New Technologies and the Mass Media|
- • JOUR 746 - Educational Broadcasting|
- • JOUR 749 - Literature of Mass Communication|
- • JOUR 762 - Issues in Mass Communication Management|
- • JOUR 771 - Media Economics|
- • JOUR 772 - Seminar in Health, Science, and the Media|
- • JOUR 773 - Risk Communication|
- • JOUR 774 - Public Relations Theory|
- • JOUR 776 - Seminar in Interactive Media and Emerging Communication Technologies|
- • JOUR 777 - Practicum in Mass Communications Management|
- • JOUR 779 - Theories of Global Communication|
- • JOUR 790 - Topics in Mass Communication|
- • JOUR 797 - Project Preparation|
- • JOUR 799 - Thesis Preparation|
- • JOUR 801 - Communication Research Design|
- • JOUR 802 - Seminar in Ethical Reasoning in Mass Communications|
- • JOUR 803 - Seminar in Mass Communication Theory and Theory Construction|
- • JOUR 804 - Seminar in Mass Communication Historical Research Methods|
- • JOUR 805 - Seminar in Teaching Mass Communication|
- • JOUR 806 - Seminar in Mass Communication Legal Research Methods|
- • JOUR 807 - Advanced Communication Research|
- • JOUR 808 - Communication Research: Critical, Cultural, and Naturalistic Approaches|
- • JOUR 809 - Seminar in Freedom of Speech|
- • JOUR 810 - Independent Research Project|
- • JOUR 899 - Dissertation Preparation|
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